
Garden Diary - April 2017

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An April Garden Party
Sunday, 9 April 2017

On one Sunday in April and another Sunday in September there's a garden party at the Silbersteins. Somehow the weather is always pleasant, there's ample potluck food, and people delight in strolling through the garden, admiring the diversity of plants. This year was a weather confusion - oddly warm in February, then colder than usual so plants were coaxed into early growth and bloom only to be nipped by frost. No idea what I would find when I got there. But as always there were flowers to enjoy and good company with whom to chat.

Of course there were daffodils, lovely groupings here and there among the shrubbery.
Here's a nice, floriferous clump of Division 3 with yellow petals and a short orange cup.

Here and there are a few uncommon tulips,
like this Tulipa humilis Black Base.

Even more striking, Tulipa humilis 'Albacoerulea Oculata'

Since it's early Spring there's garden cleanup under way, even
with the garden party. But at least they didn't put us to work.

As well as what we can see there are also plants just emerging
from their winter's dormancy. They need some protection.

This new growth on Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart' is soft and fragile.
Too tall for a shallow tray, two bricks provide the "keep off" warning.

And an upside down plastic pot with its bottom cut away protects
these expanding lilies from damage. Not pretty, but it works.

Not all protection is for growth. This lumpy burlaped mound held
with branches protects a shrubby palm from sun scorch. It's needed
until the overhead trees leaf out and provide a natural sunshade.

Some camellia flowers were lost to frost but there are enough to make a good show.

. . .

Towering culm of Phyllostachys edulis,
moso or tortoise-shell bamboo. And yes,
the Silbersteins do eat a few new culms.

Any day in a garden is a good day. Especially when it's a garden party such as this.

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